Friday, June 22, 2007

Finally Friday!!!

My father and step mom made it into Boston just fine yesterday afternoon! I was in a meeting and got a voice mail from him saying "We've arrived and now I'm sitting on your deck with a drink, give me a call". I finished up a few things grabbed my BlackBerry and got the heck out of here!

We had a nice evening of relaxing! Music Guy made a fab goat cheese and mushroom pizza on the grill. We had pasta salad, steak tips and chicken, very yummy!

I'm in the office for a few hours and then it's off to pick up them up and we're high tailing it to the Cape! I am showing them our reception site, very excitied to see it again! And staying at Music Guy's parents for the weekend of course!

Have a super weekend, the weather is perfect here!

Debbie, enjoy my Sox!



Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Have a great weekend!

Libby said...

Have a fantastic weekend, Kimba!

Donna said...

Do post the recipe for the pizza on the grill. Sounds fabulous!
love from your No. 1 fan

MMM said...

Pizza on the grill sounds great to me. I would love the receipe as well. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy being with your family.