All is well at chez Kimba, over the top busy but doing well!
It hasn't entirely been all work and no play, i've had a little fun this week.
Work is going really well, i'm super happy but don't get me wrong i'm wiped and stressed 24/7 but I know that'll change. I give all of you working moms so much credit, I have no idea how you do it.
Friday evening I got home from work at 7:15 (mind you it takes 15 min to get home) and Music Guy's parents were due to arrive any minute, i've never felt like a worst host. But hey it's family and we were going out to dinner so it was fine, you know that feeling right? We had dinner at
Paolo's in Charlestown and it was yummy! I had Scallops Risotto and some great Pinot Grigio. Though dinner was wonderful I realized I guess i'm not as big of a scallops fan as I thought i was. I am one of those people who order the most terrible things when we go out to eat. I have a thing going with MG that if I order something he thinks I won't like he can't let me order it. I've been saved by that before, but Scallops sounds safe so I thought. Anyone would have loved the dish.
Saturday we worked out and picked up a baby gift for a couples baby shower we were going to that afternoon. I know what you're thinking a couples sower for a baby, poor Music Guy. But not so fast, it was for a gal I work with and there is a group of us that are all around the same age (of course once again I was the youngest) so it really was a party. I hope to post pictures, they had some really cute v-day details. And like any normal baby shower they had a full bar and packed cooler. It was a pink and red theme and I would say I was the most pink decked out one of the group. Shocked I'm sure. Music Guy had a ball and so happy to finally meet the crew I always talk about. And they were happy to know I really did have a husband to be, guess I need to get out with them more. We came home and made a great dinner, steaks and tater tots. Dude, most underrated side on earth, oh yeah and veggies.
Today we went to breakfast with MG's parents and then we all went to look at some open houses. Eight to be exact. It rained, snowed and hailed all during our trek around Charlestown. We saw one we really liked, I'm about to do some research on the street and the deeds on the place. It's not in our ideal location, but knowing the area street by street doesn't hurt. Let me poke myself in the eye first.
This week will be even crazier than the last, but hey I signed up for it!
Boring post I know. I need to find a work/life balance and when that happens I'll have more "fun" things to talk about!
Happy weekend!