Sunday, September 28, 2008


Checking in from Spain to give Suz a BIG thank you for her guest blogging! She has set the bar pretty high for when i return!

We're having a great time and are very much relaxed! It's rained on and off for the last day but cleared up enough yesterday for me to go for a run and take some great pictures. Also was able to go for a quick dip in the pool! I will tell you I could get use to the way of sunbathing over on this side of the Sea. haha!

I'm happy to say Suz was the one to imform us that the Sox will indeed be playing in October, god she's good!

Have a great rest of your weekend and i'll be back on Wed!



Capegirl said...

Lucky you with a Cape wedding. Well when you get back you've been tagged.

I miss the Cape everyday that I am not there.

JenWebb702 said...

I can't wait to hear about it all from your point of view!! And from what I have already seen...beautiful!!!

Ned said...

Happy Life!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Hope you are having a great time!

Donna said...

I am in serious Kimba withdrawl here. Entertained KEP dad and Ginger this weekend, and heard the wedding was beautiful. Can't wait to see pictures, Kimba!

This Cubs fan is now cheering for your team!