1) You have established a creative outlet and can document it on line for all to see or for none to see it's yours so it's your choice!
2) You can follow and connect with people all over the world who share the same passions and loves that you do
3) If you're as lucky as I am you may actually be able to meet those people in person - and when you do if you're again like me you may have found some of your very dear "real life" friends and couldn't imagine your life without them
4) You all of a sudden seem so much more wordily then you did before you had a blog - "well my friend Libby who lives in Hong Kong just loves it there" or "you know my friend Lisagh who lives in Winnipeg has more Bananno's then any preppy gal I know" or "I hope the Mets win this game in honor of my friend Suz who lives in NYC she is a huge Mets fan" or "OMG my friend Sarah got engaged last weekend, she swore she'd never get married, but I knew she would" or "oh I'm bringing a case of wine to my Sis Erin's house in Richyville, MA to play with her two girls and her bounce house" last but not least I have a TON of friends in Atlanta, NC, SC, TX, IL, MO, PA, CA, MN, FL and all over the South and one sassy sassy gal in NJ I just can't get enough of!
5) OH and you get all kinds of great blogger/twitter discounts!!!!
Twitter Deal:
KEP Designs
Get 20% off online orders now-Saturday: Please use the code, "twitter" to get 20% off ANY order. Online only.
Currently LOVING this look, I am a sucker for the pink and pearls (shocker i know) but what really draws me in is the GOLD. I am in love with GOLD GOLD GOLD on jewelry.

Blogger Deal:
Vineyard Vines 20% - code: Bloggerfa09
Of course not eligible on MLB/NFL/College gear or gift cards. Now thru 9/22/09 11:59PM
Oh and if you just happen to look at the latest Vineyard Vines Fall Catalog you may see someone you know, the Kimba wedding party!

Just so you know, before I put my Nantucket patchwork VV tote away for the winter I took the plunge and sprayed it down with oxyclean and threw it in the waster and it came out perfect, it took the summer/sand/beer smell out of it...sad but needed to happen!
If those reasons don't keep you blogging I don't know what would!
Happy preppy shopping!!!
1. I. am. DYING. This is the post I needed as I am in writing hell and on the verge of a nervous breakdown!
2. I love that bracelet. Looooooooooove it.
3. When ARE you coming over to Richyville? SOON PLEASE!
I flipping LOVE that bracelet!
...and now I need to shop.
Also. I am possibly coming your way soon. It depends on if the doctorate program up there wants to interview me in person.
If I do...can we hang out and talk about how great the Big Ten is while drinking beer?
Love that you are in the VV catalog - so appropriate!! After a few washings - my VV tote looks pretty sad, so perhaps this discount will help me justify a new one??
Yay for blog and Twitter friends!
Thanks for being my KEP liaison - I am ordering today!
I was at the Georgetown VV & didn't pick up a catalog because I always get one in the mail but when I got home I didn't see your picture in mine. Love the caption :)
Your wedding is famous!
And I also feel like I have a friend up in Boston.... :)
Thanks to you, I'm now the proud new owner of that bracelet! (Shhh...don't tell Mr. Fab!)
LOVE my blog and twitter friends. Everyone is SO nice. Thanks for tweetin' and bloggin' with me too!
I miss you guys! X
What a great post! And you are very, very spot on!
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