As soon as I get pictures from the wedding I'll put them up here! Here was one I quickly snapped as we got ready! LOVED the dresses, the green really popped! AND Sara gave us KEP necklaces, how lucky are we!

In other sad news, Music Guy's grandmother past away Friday evening. He went to the Cape to be with his family, so I flew the wedding solo. Funny how much you miss someone when you're in a room of 200 wonderful people. It was hard not having him there, but as an Irish Catholic family we keep it close and know the importance of being together at times like this.
She was a wonderful lady and up until her last day she had everyone around her laughing.
BUT to close out on a happy note those of you in New England know how much freaking rain we've gotten this summer thus far, and as of Friday the forecast called for rain. AND I tell you what, someone was looking over them as here is a pic I snapped right before we left for the Country Club. Best summer day thus far for 2009! Sara is one of my best friends and I could not be happier for her and Ben, she is truly one of a kind and they're perfect for each other! I lost my bananas when she read the vows she wrote to him.

BTW, if you follow me on Twitter, none of this news is new! :)
I know, the sky was breathtaking! :) hehe
I love the color of that dress! Looks great on you!
Who was the designer of the dress? Great dress to wear again
What a great bridesmaid dress!
You look fabulous in green - must be the irish in ya! So sorry about RJ's gram - hugs to you both!
You are soo pretty! Love the green dress on you!! xxxoo
You really do look gorgeous in that color! And now Meghan wants the necklace! So pretty!
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