Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dumb dumb dumb...

Did anyone watch The Wedding Bells last night on Fox? I thought it was DUMB...I did enjoy the wedding chatter but how on earth could they keep the show going? I mean there are only so many shows you can have with crazy Bridezilla's? Or wait, maybe not. Of course I'll keep watching as long as it's on the air!

I'm off to get my hair highlighted. It is in MAJOR need, I am hoping my lovely stylist doesn't want to chit chat as I'm trying to finish my book. She's great in all but she always seems to talk about her boy friend or if it's an off week, how she needs to find a man.
The last time I was in was after I had gotten engaged, she noticed the ring and asked about the details of the engagement. After I had given her the short and sweet version she started to go on and on about the new guy of the day, for the first time in my life I was about two seconds away from saying..."Listen up, I pay you which means it's my time". But of course i just sat back and listened to how great his body is. Plllhheeezzzz!

I am so freaking sore. I have worked out everyday this week and have been kicking my butt as I was on the mend with the hoof issue. Though it's a "good" sore it still is annoying!

Ok I'm off to take this bitter mood elsewhere! :)


SLC said...

I watched Wedding Bells last night also just to see what it was all about. I actually liked it. It was cute/funny. Definitely dumb/silly in a way, but I was entertained. It's regular timeslot here is Friday evenings which is good because there isn't anything on that I like to watch then.

Anonymous said...

I taped it to watch later. I thought it started off pretty dumb, but will see, and now with the positive comment, it is 1 for 1. I have to get a blog site so that I don't have to keep leaving anonymous comments. I enjoy your hard work on this and entertaining style. :-)

Unknown said...

I DVR'd it and haven't had a chance to sit an watch it yet....

Monogram Momma said...

I agree w/ slc. I sorta like wedding Bells. I think it has a good chance of making it!